Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are you kidding me?

The price of gas in the land-locked, Rocky Mountain state of Colorado is under $3 and falling. This picture was taken in Greenwood Village near Denver on October 20, 2008. Meanwhile, we live in Utah and pay $3.34 per gallon for the cheap stuff.
Even Grand Junction right along the interstate was cheaper than Utah! We paid $3.11 there.
Does anyone know why gas is cheaper in Colorado and California than it is in Utah where incomes are lower, rent is lower, and voters are supposed to be more conservative?


CoastalBias said...

And so, within 5 days of me posting this on my blog, Utah responds. I did see $2.95 in Lindon today. Of course, Juli saw $2.69 in Denver. What are we going to do?

CoastalBias said...

It's under $2 a gallon in Denver and has been for about a week. Utah is at about $2.25.

CoastalBias said...

November 14 and under $2 in Utah means $1.75 in Denver. I'm liking where this is going-especially now that I'm driving more for work. I still think it's ridiculous that there is such a discrepancy between the states though.

CoastalBias said...

Talk to yourself much?